Grace Like Rain

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I slip my glasses on so I can see my way into the kitchen.  With pen and journal in hand, I click the brew switch on the coffee maker and take a seat at the table to wait for my first cup of morning brew.

As I flip open my journal, I notice the sound of gentle rain hitting the window.  My eyes land on the sliding door as beads of moisture glide down the glass.

Dawn is trying to break through the darkened clouds.

I hear the ready ring from the coffee pot.

The Italian roast flows into my mug.  The rich aroma wafts through the still air.

Taking my seat at the table once again, I sip and write.  Sip and write.  Ideas race through my mind and out the tip of my pen.  On the blank journal page, I scribble words leftover in my mind from the night before.

I’m always thinking, feeling, trying to sort out what I envision in my writer’s mind.  Whether I have a pen, journal, keyboard or not it’s the way I’m wired.  My brain is always creating.

I close my journal and listen to the patter of rain.

Sometimes we need a dark day.  It pulls us in, it quiets our souls, we are hidden and alone, away from any commotion or communication.

It’s a necessary place to be at times–small and hidden.

The electronics beckon but sometimes we need to tuck ourselves away from TV, phones, computers–away from the “Look at me” world that we are living in.  The false realities of our day make us believe that we’re not fully alive unless we’re seen.

So here alone I ponder.  In this space, in the dark cover of morning I’m embraced in solitude.

I stop striving, contemplating, thinking, being distracted by my own thoughts and I quiet my mind.  I empty myself and it’s here that I’m fully alive.

In this place there is no communication with others, except with the Lord my God.  Here there is no pretense.  I am fully seen, fully known and fully loved.

Like the rain that saturates the earth, my soul is saturated in grace.

And like Mary I know that I have picked the better thing.

 …but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42

Written by:  Nancy Janiga ©2015

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10 thoughts on “Grace Like Rain

  1. I love this Nancy…..I also love the story of Mary and Martha…..some days I am more Martha than I should or want to be. It is too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life.
    Blessings and enjoy the rainy days and I will enjoy the snowy ones. Bonnie


    1. I know what you mean about getting caught up in the busyness of life. If I’m not physically busy I can be mentally busy.

      It stopped raining. I hope it stops snowing for you soon!


    1. Your fondness is certainly reflected in the name of your blog. 😊 Thank you for visiting and reading! I will be returning to visit you soon too.


  2. Thank you for the like on my blog. This is a beautiful thought I can certainly appreciate. With four lively kids, two furry friends, and colorful hubby, those times I can find that solitude are that much more precious.:)


    1. There is joy to be found in simplicity and it’s always refreshing to read how young moms are putting it into practice. I look forward to exploring more of your blog when time permits. Thank you for stopping by. God bless you and your family!


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