There is Singing and there is Light

As a young child, I can remember my mother singing through the house as she did her chores. She had the gift of a beautiful voice and she filled our home with it.

I was the oldest and then came my sister, Diane. We were the first two of six children. When she and I were very young, my mother often sang us to sleep at night.

There, on our bed all tucked in after a warm bath, clean pajamas slipped into, our hair towel dried, and prayers said, she sang.

When darkness set in, often thoughts that weren’t there in the daylight hours would surface. Like those unrelenting thoughts of monsters that are common in the imaginations of small children.

I needed a glimmer of light somewhere close by to pierce through the darkness.

To read the full article click here: where I’m the featured writer for Christian Grandfather Magazine today.



14 thoughts on “There is Singing and there is Light

    1. Thank you, Wynne. I always appreciate your lovely comments. I wrote this in 2014 so it was a surprise to get an email that they wanted to publish it. You never know where or who our words will touch. Looking forward to catching up here soon. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

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  1. This is so beautiful and comforting. We have had some dark days, my dear friend, but God’s light and love always shines through. Love you ❤️


    1. Thank you dear Linda. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I hope to be be catching up on WordPress soon! I miss my community here.

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