When Light Meets The Dark

early morning light xx - Copy

It was that time again–time to travel the 160 miles to the medical center for my husband’s cancer check-up with his oncologist/hematologist.

We left yesterday morning while it was still dark.

The darkness of uncertainty always covers us as we travel east for his appointments but the sun coming up yesterday was a reminder that God’s light would already be there to meet us when we got to the hospital.

Yesterday we received a great report from his doctor.  Bob is still responding well to the chemo drug without side effects.  He has another appointment in August and if the markers of the Leukemia in his blood reach a certain target level he will not need another bone marrow biopsy.

So we travel and trust and we know that no matter what the outcome will be in August the light of God’s presence always goes with us and before us.

We are never alone.

(This post is in response to the Daily Post’s Friday Photo Challenge:  Early Bird)



23 thoughts on “When Light Meets The Dark

  1. Beautifully put. God’s light rises like the dawn in our dark hours. Glad to read your husband recieved a good report. Praying for the best for August. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is great, Nancy. As a cancer survivor myself I pay particular attention to stories like these. May the Lord bring your husband and you through this challenge. You are absolutely correct that we are never alone. Praise God.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Judy, Thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m happy to hear that you are doing well. My replies aren’t posting right for some reason…hopefully you will see and read this. Thank you again!


  3. What wonderful news for you, your family and your friends. We celebrate that with you and know through it all you and Bob are totally confident in our God. Enjoy your life. Blessings to you two. and love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bonnie, We are so grateful. God is good, faithful and always has our best in mind. One day at a time..that’s true for all of us. We look to people like you and Tom for inspiration as we have watched you two depend on Him through your own trials. Love and God’s blessings to you two. Hopefully this comment landed in the right spot. My replies to this post are landing all over the place and not posting right.


  4. That is the best news! I was thinking today I needed to write you and ask how the appointment went! We’re happy you had good news! Love, Joan


  5. For some reason, most of my replies on this post are not posting under the appropriate comment but at the bottom of my feed. Hopefully, my replies are being read by those of you who took the time to comment to this post. I appreciate each one of you.


    1. Thank you, Rina. I took the photo the morning before the photo challenge. It just seemed to tie in and come together perfectly with what was going on in my heart this week.


  6. Nice to have you back in Michigan….and always a joy to see you both! Awesome news and may God continue to bless you and keep you strong! He is faithful and continued prayers for healing and strength! Hugs and love….

    Liked by 1 person

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