Adjusting my Sails

I sat at the lake watching the waves crash against the breakwater

Surrounded by the wilderness of winter, the lake shook violently

The angry wind grabbed ahold of the water pushing it forward

Relentlessly tossing it in my direction on the shore

I was mezmerized by the force that couldn’t be controlled

Sometimes lately I feel like I’m out in the middle of that big lake

Being tossed to and fro, back and forth, buffeted by the force of a storm

I’d like to go back to an easier place, I thought

But I caught myself and steadied my thoughts. I can’t go back, not even to yesterday

I knew that deep in my soul. And then I heard a quiet voice

It was The Still Small Voice speaking to my soul

“The only way is forward. Adjust your sails.”

There’s really not many new truths to learn in this wilderness storm

Only a repositioning, a growing deeper in lessons learned through other storms

I cannot control the way the wind is blowing

The way it’s pushing the water into giant, forceful waves

I can allow the fatigue, the weariness to undo me

Let my hope turn to despair and succumb to the storm

Give it permission to drown me in oppressive thoughts

Or I can choose to adjust my sails and catch the powerful breath of God

And allow His Holy Spirit to aid in moving me forward

I will not focus on the waves, the wind, the storm

I will adjust my sails



*My photo was taken on the shore of Lake Michigan

22 thoughts on “Adjusting my Sails

  1. Beautiful poem and photograph. I remember going to Lake Michigan as a child and thinking how big it was. Just like an ocean! And I remember tramping over the sand dunes. My great-great-grandfather was a lighthouse keeper. (not sure how many “greats”) Good times.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, that’s an interesting story about your great-great-grandfather, Dawn. Just by standing on the shore of Lake Michigan, you’d never know if it was a lake or an ocean. I’m glad you had the chance to visit the big lake and have some good memories. Thanks for reading and commenting!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, my dear friend, I feel and identity with what you have written. The storms are powerful….no doubt about that, but,as we know, nothing is as powerful as our God. Keep looking forward and up. Love you two so much.


  3. This is perhaps the most beautiful post I have read lately, and it speaks volumes to me, because I have been in a storm the last eight days, feeling little relief. Yet knowing that God is hearing my prayers and trusting that He is working on the situation. Thank you Nancy for this most wonderful reading. I’m going to pull it into my computer to read again and again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad it spoke to you, Mary. There are days when relief doesn’t seem to come but like you said … God is hearing our prayers and we can trust He’s working on the situation. Thank you for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow, what a powerful poem and analogy, Nancy! I love how well you capture the feeling of being tired of the storm, listening to the “The Still Small Voice” and the opening to the solution of adjusting your sails to catch God’s wind. So beautiful and inspirating!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So beautiful! I love the line about adjusting your sails and catching the powerful breath of God. This is so beautifully written, and it has such an important message. Day by day, we must move forward, knowing that God will help and guide us.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, God will help and guide us. At times the journey can be rough but with God it’s always possible. Thank you so much for reading and for your lovely comment, Linda.


  6. Thank you Nancy for that powerful word picture -“I can choose to adjust my sails and catch the powerful breath of God And allow His Holy Spirit to aid in moving me forward.” How we respond in a storm is a choice but ohhh the pull to succumb to the waves is so strong! As your words so clearly point out- “You dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4


    1. I love that verse. We overcome because of His Spirit in us and need to remember that when we feel we’re being swept away by the storms of life. Thank you for your comment, Beth.

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  7. What a beautiful analogy of our lives in Christ! Adjust our sails and keep moving forward in Him. Only in His power, “the powerful breath of God” can we do that. So beautifully written Nancy! And as always, a beautiful photo to go along with it! Thank You!


    1. There are days when the storms of life threaten to undo us but by the grace of God and His Spirit we will overcome! Thank you for commenting, Judy.


    1. Thank you, Wendy. My heart is heavy with the weight of the storms right now. How we need the the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit, not just personally, but world-wide. Sending love ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Nancy, as always your writing inspires my heart. We forget how important it is to set our sails forward so that we can move forward. A beautiful poem, Nancy, simply beautiful!


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